Things to Note When Choosing a Wheelchair Size


Whether the size of the main components of the wheelchair is appropriate which directly related to the occupant's sitting posture and stability, local pressure on the skin, and safety during transfer. A suitable wheelchair can not only make the rider more energy-saving during use but also effectively prevent the occurrence of other adverse events.

When choosing a wheelchair we should pay attention to the following points:

1. If the seat is too wide, it will not only be difficult for the rider to maintain body balance, but it will also be inconvenient to drive the hand wheel, which will increase the physical exertion of the rider when using the wheelchair. If the seat is too narrow, it will be inconvenient for the rider to get in and out of the wheelchair, and it will easily scratch the skinin severe cases, it may even increase the risk of pressure ulcers.

2. A seat that is too long will cause the front edge of the seat to compress the popliteal fossa, affecting blood circulation. A seat that is too short will bear too much weight on the ischial tuberosity, increasing the risk of pressure ulcers.

3. Excessive seat height will cause inconvenience in wheelchair use. For example, the wheelchair cannot enter under the dining table during meals. A seat that is too low will put more pressure on your hips.

4. Appropriate armrests can comfortably support the limbs and help the rider maintain a good posture. If the armrest is too high, the upper arm will be raised; if the armrest is too low, the trunk will need to lean forward, thus affecting the sitting posture.

5. The height of the backrest is determined by the function of the torso. The shorter the backrest, the greater the range of movement of the trunk and upper limbs, and the higher the requirements for trunk control.

6. The height of the footrest is related to the height of the seat. If the distance between the seat cushion and the footrest is too large, the feet cannot be placed on the footrest, resulting in loss of stability. If the distance between the seat cushion and the footrest is too small, it will increase the load on the hips.

The above are several aspects that need to be considered when choosing a wheelchair. You can choose the appropriate wheelchair according to different needs.Wish you all a Merry Christmas in advance.

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